Friday, April 3, 2009

People Watching in Northampton MA

Travel Day Trips Presents People Watching in Northampton

One of the pleasures of going to Northampton is watching the people on the street. They can be neo-hippies, punk rock types, bikers, retirees. On a busy weekend you can see a variety of street musicians and performers or at least people who think they are performers. Take the motley band of neo-hippies that gathered outside the local book store and decided that it would be a good spot to set up shop. They were colorfully attired in flowing gypsy skirts with guitars slung over their shoulders. Their attitude was spot on if not their music. Good to see the memory of the 60s still alive and kicking. They made me smile as I passed them because I lived through the original hippie craze. Any other place outside of Woodstock New York would be annoying to see this but not in Northampton. Its just part of the travel day trip scene.

But the strangest people sighting I had was last year when I saw the two tallest men who were not basketball players. These two guys were at least 6 feet 8 inches tall, clad in leather jackets walking on the sidewalk, heads above the crowd. I was amazed and stood there wishing I had enough nerve to go up and say to them, "Take me to your leader." They looked jovial, just happy to be in Northampton and people watch themselves.

During warmer weather, a group gathers outside one of the local coffee bistros on the main street just hanging out. They sit on a series of steps and they reminded me of that other all time great people watching spot, the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Smaller version of course but the spirit is similar in that you can buy a coffee, park yourself and watch the show that is downtown Northampton MA.
Travel Day Trips

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